15 February 2025
People are the driving force behind every business, including ours. We couldn’t do what we do without the dedication and talents of the people who help to provide our quality products at the best price. Our business model needs to be people-focussed, making sure everybody has what they need in order to thrive.
Our ambition
Our separate companies have been working on a positive people policy for years.
We established a Suppliers’ Code of Conduct in 2008.
Since 2015, every non-European supplier needs to provide independent social audit reports.
In January 2022, INTERACTION became a member of Amfori. This allows the company to order its own BSCI social audits.
Sustainable development goals
Our targets are not limited to the employees in our value chain: we also look at the difference we can make in other people’s lives. Because the only way forward is together.
SDG 4: Quality Education
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Ensure inclusive and
equitable quality
education and promote
lifelong learning
opportunities for all.
Why SDG 4?
Companies that produce and sell products carry a large responsibility. Their business decisions have a direct impact on this planet, both in terms of production and waste disposal. Q-CONNECT® has been taking measures to reduce its ecological footprint, and we want to continue setting an example by creating more sustainable products and packaging. And that is a commitment we take very seriously.
Q-CONNECT®’s initial targets
We have provided educational packages to Ukrainian child refugees by working with an NGO in the field of quality education. Our engagement was two-fold: we provided study materials as well as financial support.
From 2023 onwards we will work with World Bicycle Relief, an NGO that provides rural communities in impoverished regions with bicycles. This way, schoolchildren can cover the distance to school and receive an education when the nearest school is not within walking distance from their home.
Richard Scharmann, INTERACTION Chairman
and CEO of PBS-Holding
“Since Q-CONNECT® sells high-quality office supplies, we will make our products available in educational settings with limited resources. This allows us to stay close to our roots while taking responsibility and showing that we care. Hence, we have decided to join forces with recognised NGOs in the field of education on a yearly basis.”
SDG 5: Gender Equality
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education and promote
lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Why SDG 5?
An important part of providing quality education is making sure every child has access to it, regardless of their gender. But gender equality also needs to be a reality in the workplace. Sustainability audits will help us analyse issues and come up with solutions. Currently, there is too little attention going towards this topic in audits, so we want to integrate it and lead the way.
Q-CONNECT®’s initial targets
Q-CONNECT® will perform Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) audits, with the help of Amfori, in order to make sure all employees have the same opportunities and rights, wherever they work in our value chain. Think of things like safe circumstances, the freedom to organise, and much more. The BSCI audits are based on the SDGs and help us find opportunities for improvement.
By supporting World Bicycle Relief both young girls and boys will get the privilege of education. This increases the chance to find a decent rewarding job afterwards for both genders.
Christian Ewert, President of Amfori
"Signing the Women's Empowerment Principles provides Amfori with an additional, crucial tool to the strengthening of our mission for enhancing human prosperity and driving open and sustainable trade.
Gender Equality plays a key role in achieving that mission. As humans, together we all need to be advocates of women's economic and social empowerment.”
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Promote long-term, inclusive
and sustainable economic growth,
full and productive employment and decent work for all
Why SDG 8?
Q-CONNECT®’s initial targets
In 2023 we want BSCI/SMETA social audit reports of factories representing 80% of the sales coming from our non-European suppliers
Later on, we need a BSCI/SMETA social audit reports of all factories from our non-European suppliers
Want to know more about our Q-Conscious range?
Do you have any questions about our Q-CONSCIOUS product range or our sustainability approach? Mail us or fill in this form.